Unfiltered Thoughts: Hobby-less?


Recently I have been a feeling a little bit down in the dumps about not feeling like I am good at anything. It’s a natural process after a few big things have happened and life has gotten a little bit fuller with fun, but time-consuming things. You see, I’m not very good at stopping or slowing down, and letting my brain drift into beating myself up over silly little things. The thing my brain has decided to focus on currently is the fact I don’t seem to have a hobby.

You know how when you meet people and they have all these interesting things to talk about and how they absolutely love, knitting and can make various elaborate designs or the way they can draw a replica Mona Lisa in minutes. I just don’t feel like I can do any of that stuff.

Of course, objectively, I know I can. And after a good nights sleep and a bit of a positive outlook I can list all the things I enjoy and am good at in seconds. But that doesn’t stop us humans from having a little wobble every now and again, having to ride it out eventually.

Instead of sitting and wallowing (that was yesterdays job), I think I’m going to list some of the things I am good at, and the things I am bad at, but enjoy doing anyway. I encourage anyone reading this to tear their eyes away from their laptops immediately, you can come back to the post(!), and start making your own list of hobbies.

  1. I love to bake.

I have a holiday booked in just under two weeks, so the sugar consumption has been reduced in a last ditch attempt to be able to cram my body into the bikinis I wore last year (ps. I’m buying new ones anyway). Even so, I have really enjoyed figuring out how to bake healthier, with no sugar, and have enjoyed creating my own recipes, something which I hope to continue doing.

2. I enjoy jogging

This is still surreal to say, given that I was a complete exercise-phobe just a few months ago. But I set my mind to doing the Race for Life this year which I completed in just under 50 minutes and it really got me into jogging. The most I can manage in one go currently is three minutes, but I can feel myself getting better, despite it being VERY slow progress. Plus, I tend to feel better about myself after a run.

3. I enjoy writing

This one I have no clue if I’m good at or not, but I recently finished writing a novel that I would love to get published one day. The process of writing it was so therapeutic, it being a topic I have wanted to talk about for so long. Unfortunately, I’m not great at talking about feelings, but I’m so much better at writing them.

I think those are my three main hobbies currently, although of course, I have more things I enjoy, but do less regularly (reading for one does not happen as much as it should!).

There, that did actually make me feel a bit less rubbish, maybe writing lists should become a new hobby?

Whatever you enjoy doing, I hope you have written a list on it, and if you want, please do share in the comments!

Much Love x



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